This is the first register for Play Therapists, accredited under a Programme set up in 2012 by the Department of Health and administered by an independent body, accountable to Parliament. This means that members of the public and employers can choose a Play Therapist, a Practitioner in Therapeutic Play Skills or a Filial Play Coach belonging to a register accredited by the Professional Standards Authority.
This Register is accredited by PSA and managed by Play Therapy United Kingdom.
To find out more about PTUK management click HERE.
- People on our register meet PTUK’s standards for safe and effective practice. This is especially important for working with the most vulnerable client group, children.
- It enables members of the public and employers to find practitioners easily and to understand what they offer.
- It provides an assurance of high quality practice.
- It provides commissioners with additional assurance when placing contracts for services for working with children’s social, emotional, behaviour and mental health problems.
- All Registrants are checked for fitness to practice at least once a month
- All Registrants must be able to produce their PTUK photo ID card to prove their Register status. Please ask to see it!
Assuring the highest standards that children deserve – going beyond the minimum
Play Therapy UK’s register has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority. The Accreditation Standards that we meet include setting standards for registrants and those required for managing our register. Our registrants not only make declarations that they will meet PTUK’s policies and standards, they are required to provide data about their play therapy clinical work, supervision reviews and continuing professional development.
Each year we look at all of this revalidation data. We do not rely on sampling, but check every registrant to assess the level of attainment of our standards. A minimum level of attainment, which meet our register entry requirements, is needed to demonstrate that they are safe and effective practitioners. Many registrants achieve a higher level of attainment that shows their dedication to improving their quality and efficiency of practice.
Play Therapy is effective for many emotional, behaviour and mental health problems.