Clients, commissioners and employers will seek practitioners who are on an accredited register because this assures them that registered practitioners are more likely to be competent and to behave ethically, professionally and compassionately.
The PTUK Register enables the public, employers and commissioners to choose people who are on the register that we have independently assessed for working with children’s social, emotional, behaviour and mental health problems.
The PSA approval of the PTUK Register provides assurance that the register is well run and requires their registrants to meet high standards of personal behaviour, technical competence and, where relevant, business practice.
The benefits of employing, contracting or commissioning services from the PTUK Register of Play and Creative Arts Therapists are:
More efficient recruitment: good practitioners listed on the Register are easy to recognise – a mark of quality, improving your recruitment processes;
save time: it’s easier to find a good practitioner by using the PTUK Register as a one stop ‘shop’ for therapists working with children;
reduce risk: it’s easier to understand and exercise informed choice to recruit practitioners with more rounded experience, standards of conduct, competence and client care;
easier management if things go wrong: customer friendly complaints processes – more emphasis on resolution and redress; more opportunity for mediation but still careful ‘policing’ of the incompetent, abusers and rogues.
supports diversity – within a framework of quality standards
standards are tailored to support employers objectives and priorities through adaptation of PTUK’s competency framework
Cost effective and flexible model: You may either have your staff trained by a PTUK accredited training provider or employ/contract an existing registrant
better standards of practice through the alignment of the Professional Standards Authority and Play Therapy UK
sharing of responsibility – an active partnership. The PSA assures Play Therapy UK; Play Therapy UK assures its registrants, you assure yourselves by employing registrants